Saturday 28 February 2009

William's nan's on my my money

Jane came round last night, and we had some V&Cs and watched TV. TV is very shit sometimes.
After she left, I stayed up to watch H20 which was more entertaining than when I saw it in the cinema. I found it really satisfying in some ways, and a bit tense because really, this idea of a man in a mask slicing and stabbing people is not at all far removed from what actually happens sometimes out there, there are some sick bastards who do the most disgusting things to people. So that made me feel a bit ill, but as a movie, it wasn't brilliant. The original, now that was truly chilling. I like horror films that involve stuff that is hard to accept, Ghosts etc, vampires. However, I watched 28 days later for a bit the other night, and for some reason, there was something about how it began, with the monkeys screaming in their cages, and then the infection, and the riots that turned to mass wipe out, that seemed horribly plausible, and I thought, God imagine. I don't usually think that with zombie films, however scary they may be, I think, well at least that will never happen. Anyway, a good idea would be to herd them all into one place, using a bit of bait, say someone evil from prison who has hurt children, and then douse the zombies with mass amounts of petrol and burn them. Anyway, after Halloween, I watched a documentary about the sun and nuclear fusion, and how if we were able to create a star on earth we would never want for energy, or waste fossil fuel again.

Dylan got me up this morning at 7.30 am, that's no good for a Saturday, but he is so beautiful, I don't really mind, and i made him pancakes for breakfast, and he was so damn lovely eating them with his little tousled head and tiny pink lips.

I've been reading the Saturday papers on line, I really can't face going out yet, it's one of those bland February days that I have never liked.


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