Sunday 15 February 2009

street wind blowin' in me face

Just got dropped off by Dan following Damien's gig which was wicked. I got bought loads of wine 'cause I am skint, and they just flowed. And there was a moment, when the candle light, sent a sharp glow of its sweet tear drop shape across my fingers, so I turned my palm to catch it, and it was as if I had captured in my hand a little light-fairy, and I showed Ed, 'look what I have caught' and it was so bright and crisp I could see the design of my very hand where-ever she lay. Beautiful. And on the way back, I rolled down the window cause they were smoking and it was heavy in the car, and the wind blew hard on my face and it was gorgeous, and I just grinned into the air and the street that whizzed by so beautifully

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