Friday 20 February 2009

vodka and pool

we went along to see Damien in a gig in Camberwell. I had a few vodkas, and felt quite pissed actually. So at the end of Damien's set, I was up next for pool, played and then stayed on because I beat this guy, and then this next guy got up to play, and he had bought his own cue, but soon I was potting mine, and he was missing, and I sensed that he was angry, I mean when he took a shot, he pulled back and his cue smashed my glass to pieces, and it was filled with V&C and when I showed him he just shrugged. So my mum, dad and brothers and Sean on the other side of the place, had said they wanted to go soon, so I walked off, too drunk to give a shit, but sober enough to walk straight and feel o.k. And then this guy with two crucifixes around his neck, two staf dogs, i think they were, said something to me, he reminded me, maybe, that he was meant to have played me in stead of the drink smashing guy. Oh yeah - he had gone out to smoke this joint, but i forgot and didn't care anyway. Then we were just staring at each other, not in a nice way, but he wanted to intimidate me and i thought, no i don't think so...and I thought, is he going to glass me? and then i thought I'll be ready, ill block him and smash his face!!!!! And then, i guess i thought fuck it, and walked on. I am too sweet to caught up in this kind of ugly mad shit, but i cant stand being picked on. Anyway, my brother was amazing up on stage, but next time, i might not bother entering the pool games when its all blokes, testosterone and stuff. Nah.

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