Saturday 15 November 2008

Saturday Mourning

I am merely mourning my temporary lack of funds. But I have a master plan that will soon abort this status. I won't say what that is. Not just because I have been slagged off enough by spiteful C**ts (well just the one) for being broke, and not working in a factory or for an agency, for I wont, I am a superstar, secretly so, so far, but because I firmly believe in the possibility that if you talk, or write about your plans, ideas and impending actions, there ends the the drive to see it through, because its just been spat out on ears that don't give a shit what you do. Well, my lad is happily playing with those little spiky bricks and making a bridge, and now saying, 'mum, come 'ere, please' in the most affectionate way. Go on kid, drop them H's all over the town like bombs on the posh mums that surround me near and far in this cosy corner of the town where we live. I am lucky being near the river, and lucky that when the chance provides I can roll out of bed into a shop that sells more than just newspapers and oysters. I said to that council, I said, 'Give me that one!!!!!!' and pointed at this here homestead. Well, I think my melancholic feeling has lifted - a bit of vodka spliced with some red vit c, and some good sleep, following a few laughs or rather sniggers, at Partridge re-runs, AND, Jack Dee and his some how adorable self on the channel four quiz - (I think I am falling in love with many comedians at the moment NOT the Partridge one though, thanks) I feel OK. 'Cetp - Baby lad is going to be picked up by his dad soon, and taken to his house where awaits his little brother, literally by another mother. So after that I can sleep, practice my jazz set, or get out there in the pre-season streets, and strut about abit until I get depressed and start craving my first drink of the evening. Oh Lord, who designed my troubled soul - what shall it be?

Come on dad of my son, get here then, take my gorgeous glowing little lumpet then : ( & : (
but also : ) & ; )

'cause I don't get no breaks. Well not regularly. x

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