Saturday 20 December 2008

Comfortably Numb

one of my little brothers, called Lukey, is back from America. He is damned funny to be around, and he has bought his gorgeous wife, (yes wife!) with him. We had a decent knees up at my mum and dad's and my adorable grandpa and auntie M came round. I got out the vodka in decent time, and made me and my aunt a tidy Vodka mix each. Then there was just general chaos and noise with everyone milling around, the pizza arriving, and my dad making his pleasantly lethal 'Singapore slings' as he ominously calls them. He and my mum were looking good last night having been out all day doing the music. Anyway, their little house was rammed and i recall Luke knocking over the Christmas tree, and me saying, 'oh please don't let mum see' , and then hardly anyone, actually NO ONE moving to lift it back, but just shouting from their stools and pews, 'lift it up' and Luke finally did - he was drunk. Picks then turned up, and I did two shots from his evil white rum, and told everyone I could drink them under the table, except for Picks, because I was merrily sinking them away and everyone else had given up and gone cross eyed, and I am smaller and more easy to inebriate than them, surely? Damo not being out done, then had two shots too. It was one of those chest, throat, nose, brain - burn drinks. I think that finished me off, tipped me over that line, though i still had more sling and then when i got home I tried to have another vodka, and I couldn't stay awake, and head roll threatened. I even tried to watch Eastenders on catch-up, and got lost in a sea of angry potatoes. Well D is going to his daddy's soon, and I may get some more rest. Or i may not. I might go to the cinema with Jane.

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